Showing posts with label Home Security Equipment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Home Security Equipment. Show all posts

Saturday, January 7, 2012

The Cons Of Home Intruder Alarms

Although home intruder alarms are thought of being an integral aspect of home security, research has shown that these alarms aren’t difficult at all for professional burglars. The reason for this is due to the fact that most homeowners tend to forget to set the alarm or fails to lock up the windows and doors like they should. Although the technology behind home intruder alarms is great, the technology can’t really do anything for you unless you use it properly.

Even though you may set your alarms when you leave, there is always that one chance that you may forget. On that very day that you forget a burglar can easily cash in on your mistake and break into your home. Most professional burglars are very familiar with home intruder alarms and know exactly how to deal with them. Even though you may have the most expensive alarm on the market today, it won’t be able to do anything if you forget to program it.

Almost all home intruder alarms need to have the windows and doors properly shut before they are activated. When you enter or leave your home, you’ll need to enter a password into the control panel to activate or deactivate the alarm. If you arrive home and forget to deactivate the system, it could go off on you. This can be very embarrassing, especially if the alarm sounds and the police show up – only to find that you are trying to “break in” to your own home!

Most burglars out there can rob a home in as little as 15 minutes. Although some burglars choose to work with others, most prefer to work along. The experienced burglars almost always do their research first, and go from there. A professional burglar will never enter a home he isn’t familiar with, for the simple fact that he could get caught. Instead, he will spend a lot of time studying the home and the family. If there is a home intruder alarm present, the burglar will watch from the shadows until he has learned how the system works.  Once he sees that you have failed to input your password or activate the system, he will make his move.  Once the burglar is inside the house and the alarm is off – he can be nearly impossible to catch.

If the alarm is set and the burglar happens to trip it, he will immediately flee from the area and move on to a different home. Home intruder alarms can be very loud, with most contacting the police or other law enforcement agency the second they notice a break in. Even though they may have their faults – home intruder alarms are still great to use with home security as long as you remember to activate them before you leave your house.
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Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Wireless Driveway Alarm and Home Security

Those of you who want to protect your home from possible annoyances and intrusions, never miss out on a home delivery, or always be aware of someone coming up your driveway - should invest in a wireless driveway alarm. There are a variety of different styles, with each one offering you a truly unique and innovative way to keep up with what’s going on around your property.
You can get either wireless or handheld models, which vary in detection ranges, from the average 1,000 feet for small driveways to the larger driveways which span 2 miles or more. Some models will warn you of visitors with tones, while others use prerecorded messages. The more advanced models on the other hand, well you communicate with visitors through the use of an intercom system, which you install at the end of your driveway.

All types of c feature a receiver and a transmitter. Any presence in your driveway is detected by the transmitter, normally through infrared equipment, which notifies you through the receiver.  Most models will allow you to speak through the receiver, transmitting your voice through the transmitter. If a solicitor or burglary is trying to visit your home, your voice is normally all it takes to turn them around in the other direction.

Even though the technical name is “wireless driveway alarm”, there are several uses for this technology.  You can install the equipment in your yard, out of plain view, or even use the system as an intercom for anyone who pulls up to your gate. You can also install the system on your roof, or just use it strategically around your property. There are several uses for wireless systems, although the intention is to alert you when there is any type of human presence or movement on your property.

When you set up your wireless driveway system, you should always place it somewhere where it isn’t easy to see. You don’t want someone who visits your property to have plain view of your equipment, as it can easily give you away. Instead, you want to make sure that you are alert of any visitors, yet they aren’t aware that you are using any type of alarms.

Depending on how much money you have to spend, the systems that you can choose from will vary. There are simple wireless driveway alarms out there, yet there are also systems that can do just about anything you want. If you live in a suburban area, you may want to go with a standard wireless alarm. Standard alarms are best for this type of neighborhood, as they are easy to install and will immediately alert you whenever there is presence on your property. Another great thing about these types of systems is the fact that you can act immediately without having to physically be in touch with the receiver.

All in all, wireless driveway alarms are a great security measure for anyone who owns a home and wants to protect themselves from unwanted visitors. You can get a slew of features as well, depending on the type of alarm that you select. You can install most alarms yourself, although the more advanced models will require professional installation. The self installation types will come with instructions as well, so you won’t encounter any problems. Even if you’ve never used them before - wireless driveway alarms are a great investment that will alert you anytime someone decides to visit your property.
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Friday, November 18, 2011

Achieving Safety With A Burglar Alarm

Years ago, home burglar alarms were only found with rich homes. These days however, the prices have dropped and they are becoming more common with homes of average folk. A lot of people who invest in burglar systems go for the do it yourself systems. They can be wired or wireless, setting off an alarm when an intruder attempts to break in or when they are moving around inside of your house.

With home burglar alarms, there are two types - open and closed circuit. Open circuit systems work by setting off an alarm when the circuit closes. When a window or a door is opened, the circuit is immediately completed and the alarm goes off. Closed circuit systems work the opposite way.  When a window or door is opened, the circuit is broken - also setting off the alarm.

Another, more sophisticated option, are motion sensors. Motion sensors sense any type of motion within a certain radius to the sensor. Once it has sensed any motion, it sends a signal out to the control panel that will analyze it and see if the movement is considered suspicious. If the movement is indeed considered suspicious, it will react to the way you have it set up and inform the proper authorities or sound the alarm.

Motion sensors can also be adjusted as well.  You can adjust them for things such as pets walking around or any other activity that is common with your home that wouldn’t signify a burglary taking place. Motion sensor alarms are very common these days, and one of the best ways to keep your home safe from a burglar - and give you peace of mind in knowing that you are protected.

Normally, it’s a good idea to use motion sensors and magnetic switches with your burglar alarm setup.  Magnetic switches will protect doors and windows while the motion sensors will help to protect larger rooms, such as living rooms and hallways. The combination of the two is never a bad idea - and will go a long way in protecting your home.

Another available option that you have is a security camera. Video cameras are also common these days, and can be mounted in very strategic areas throughout the parameter of your home. They will pick up images in the area they are mounted, which will be displayed on the monitor. You can also record the video to a videotape as well, making it an ideal choice for anyone who wants to keep track of the information that the camera picks up.

You can also get a burglar system from a home security company as well. Most companies monitor their systems remotely, and always have someone in the office to look after the system.  Once the alarm is set off, the company will immediately inform the local police or send their own security personnel out to your home.  This way, night or day, no matter where you go, your home will always be protected.

Investing in a burglary system of any type is always a smart investment. You have several different to choose from, depending on your needs. If you’ve been worried about your home and the things you keep inside your home, you should invest in a burglary system. They will help you keep peace of mind, and know that you are protected. They don’t cost that much either, which makes them an even better investment. If you own a home - you shouldn’t hesitate to invest in a burglary system.
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Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Guns and Home Security

Guns have always been a sure way to protect yourself and your home, although things have changed quite a bit over the years.  Even though those who live in the United States have a right to bear arms, there are also certain responsibilities that come along as well.  Those who own guns have the responsibility of protecting their home and their family - and also their guns.  Anyone who owns a gun may have self protection in mind - although he also has a priority to protect his guns as well.
Anyone who owns a guns should never allow them to fall into someone else’s hands. To ensure this never happens, the gun owner should always keep his gun collection locked away in a safe or gun cabinet. You can get many different sizes of gun safes, that will hold a variable amount of guns. Anything can happen if the wrong individual gets a hold of your guns, which is why you should always make sure that they are well protected - and locked up.

Gun owners can protect their own property as well, by storing their guns in fireproof gun safes.  Fireproof gun safes can protect guns and keep them safe, even if everything else burns to the ground. Even though gun owners have the responsibility to keep their guns out of the reach of others, they also have the right to ensure that no harm comes to their guns as well.

Fireproof guns safes will also keep guns safe from children as well. All children are curious, and like to get their hands on anything they can. If you leave your guns lying around and not locked up, a child will eventually find it. You should also ensure that your guns are never loaded either, as a child can really hurt himself if he finds a loaded gun. Although you may keep your guns locked up in a fireproof safe - you should also make sure that the ammo is out of the guns and locked away in the safe as well.

Keep in mind that children may look for your gun on purpose, knowing that the guns are something that you use. Therefore, simply putting your guns on a higher shelf doesn’t really protect your children. If a child wants something bad enough, he or she will do anything possible to get it. The only real way to keep your guns safe from children is to ensure that they are always locked up in fireproof safe or traditional gun safe.

Children may show interest in guns at an early age, which can be a good thing but can also be a bad thing.  At a young age, a child won’t know anything about gun safety. Therefore, if a child happens to come across your guns, bad things can happen. If you have guns if your home, you should always make a point to teach your children gun safety. This way, they will know that they aren’t allowed to handle your guns, and they’ll be aware of what can happen if they do.

By keeping your guns in a fireproof safe or traditional gun safe, you’ll keep your guns safe from children or others. Fireproof safes will also keep your guns safe from fire as well, which makes them an ideal investment. Although you can also get a traditional gun safe if you prefer, fireproof safes are by far the best way to go. You can keep your guns safe from children, others, and even fire - which makes them more than worth the money.
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Thursday, October 27, 2011

How Pepper Spray Works

Also referred to as an OC or capsicum spray, pepper spray is a very effective inflammatory agent that can easily irritate the eyes and result in pain, temporary blindness, and tears.  Pepper spray is an organic based agent that comes from cayenne peppers.  The spray will normally come in canister form, which his often times small enough to be carried in your pocket or in a woman’s purse.

Once the spray is used it will immediately result in dilating of the capillaries in the eyes, resulting in temporary blindness, chocking, coughing, and tearing of the eyes.  The spray will also cause an extremely intense burning on the skin and result in nausea.  The mucous membranes will also begin to swell, making breathing very difficult.  The spray is very painful, often resulting in the individual who was sprayed to double over and fall to the ground.  It causes temporary incapacitation, due to the fact that the individual won’t be able to breathe or see properly.

Although the spray is very effective with most, it may not have as much of an effect on individuals who are on drugs, drunk, or already hysterical.  With these types of people, you may need to give them a couple of quick sprays to the face to get the right effect.  The overall effect on the length of the spray will all depend on the strength of the pepper spray.  Most pepper spray effects will last anywhere from thirty minutes to an hour.

Often times the spray is used with controlling riots or in self defense situations.  Pepper spray is very handy to have in violent assault situations, as a violent assault occurs every few seconds in the United States alone.  Pepper spray is safer to use than guns or knives.  It is also non lethal, although there have been rare cases where pepper spray has lead to death.  In these cases however, there were medical conditions present that the spray aggravated – leading to death.

Pepper spray is great to have around your home, or to carry with you at all times.  If a burglar breaks into your home while you are there, you obviously want something to protect yourself with.  A can of pepper spray is very effective, and can easily stop someone from attacking you.  All it takes is a direct spray to the eyes.

Although it is very effective to have with you, pepper spray is illegal to have in some countries, such as the United Kingdom.  In the United States however, there are some areas that require you to have a license before you can legally carry pepper spray.  Before you buy some pepper spray, you should always make sure that you can legally carry it in the area you live in.
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Saturday, October 1, 2011

Home Protection with Spy Cameras

With crime on the rise, technology has lead to a decrease in home security prices. Although many devices have dropped in prices over the years, the spy camera is one of the most popular to experience a decrease in price. What was once only dreamed about in movies such as James Bond is now a reality that is very affordable.

The spy cameras of today are included with pin cameras, pens, and even cameras that are hidden in a pair of sunglasses.  Most kits cost a few hundred bucks and will come with sensors and remote Internet access – complete with alarms.  This way, you’ll have the chance to hook up your house wide cameras to your main cable system and watch the spy camera from any screen in your house. To watch the video though, you’ll need to have your television set to a specific channel.

Along with spy cameras there is also a variety of other devices that you can use to protect your home and yourself such as motion sensors, alarms, trip wires, spy cameras, surveillance cameras, finger print locks, digital locks, and many more. Almost everything is available at an affordable price, unless you choose to have professional installation.  Professional installation will cost a lot more money, possibly even thousands of dollars if you have a big house.

If you aren’t familiar with the way spy cameras and other spy related security works, it may be in your best interest to hire a professional.  A professional can show you how to work the equipment and answer any questions that you may have.  Even though it will cost you a lot more than if you were to do it yourself, it would be a lot better than messing something up.  Spy cameras and equipment can be very tricky – especially if you have no experience with home security.

The pin and sunglasses spy camera is among the most popular.  These cameras may require professional installation, as you’ll need to hook the wireless panel up to a monitor or your computer.  Depending on the type of spy camera that you are using, hooking everything up can be anywhere from novice to professional level.  Sunglasses can be great to use at home or anywhere else you travel within distance, as the camera is completely undetectable to those who are standing within your field of vision.

For protection around the home or anywhere else you travel, a spy camera can be a great investment.  These cameras are becoming more and more popular these days due to the drop in price.  Although they were very expensive when they were first introduced, those times have changed.  You can get a spy camera now for just a few hundreds bucks – making it an investment you can never go wrong with.
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Friday, September 30, 2011

Houses with Wireless Security Systems

With crime on the rise, home security systems are a must have.  With burglars becoming more and more common, you simply must protect your loved ones as well as your possessions.  There are several different types of security systems available for you to choose from.  For your home, there are wired and wireless security systems available. Each one has its advantages and disadvantages, along with the differences in price as well.

The driving technology found with both wired and wireless security systems are quite different.  Wireless security systems don’t need to be wired through the house; they will instead send transfer messages to the control panel through radio signals. When they were first introduced, wireless security systems were proved to be unreliable when compared to the wired systems.  As time went by and more and more people looked into them, wireless systems began to take form.

When compared to wired systems, wireless security systems are a lot easier and more convenient to install due to the fact of there being no wires. Wireless systems can save you a lot of money, time, and effort due to there being no ripping of the floors or walls in your home. Wireless systems on the other hand are more expensive than wired systems and you’ll need to replace their batteries on a periodic basis. The primary advantage to wireless security systems is the fact that they are easy to relocate, meaning that you can easily shift them from one home to another.

Wireless security systems use the same components as other security systems such as the touchpad, control panel, cameras, detectors, and alarms. Wireless systems rely on radio frequencies that are transmitted by the door contacts, windows, and motion activated sensors. The touch pads that are located at the entrances to the home will provide activation and deactivation of the system. In the event of the power failing, a backup system will take over the wireless system and continue to provide security for your home.

To use a wireless system, all you need to do is input the code through the control panel.  Normally, this is done prior to entering and leaving your home. Once the code is input into the control panel, the control panel will send remote signals to the rest of the system that will activate the alarms. Depending on the system you have, an alarm will go off either by motion detection or a window or door being opened.

If you look around you can find several different wireless security systems, many of which you can install yourself.  Before you buy a system though, you should always consult a professional who can survey your home and suggest the equipment you need. Even though it may cost a bit more money, it will be more than worth it down the road.
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Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Importance of Security Cameras

As crime and theft with businesses continues to get stronger and stronger, the need for security increases as well.  Although security personnel is a must have, businesses need another form of security that isn’t quite as noticeable.  Crooks can spot an individual without a problem, which is where security cameras come into play. 

Security cameras are very popular these days, coming in many shapes and sizes.  The wired types can fit in speakers, clocks, and even smoke detectors.  The wireless types on the other hand are far more flexible and can be placed nearly anywhere. Wireless security systems are a great addition to any home or business, as they can be placed in areas that a thief wouldn’t even begin to suspect.

For the home or business, Internet wireless security cameras are a great way to monitor remote video.  The system camera will transfer signals through a LAN adapter or wireless network on to a specific IP (Internet Protocol) address.  This can be a great way to keep a watchful eye on your property while you are on vacation or out of town.  There are some Internet systems that will alert you via email if there is any detection in movement.

The cameras that work with home surveillance systems are power driven, normally by 9 volt batteries, providing up to 10 hours of energy.  They are very powerful cameras, as even the slightest amount of movement will activate the motion sensors in the cameras.  Once the camera has been triggered, it will immediately start recording video, taking pictures, or transfer the live video feed to another computer.

There are also digital security cameras as well.  Even though they are smaller in size, they can still record video for a long period of time.  They are so popular these days due to the fact that the video or pictures that are stored on them can be saved and edited on a computer.  Digital security cameras also eliminate the needs for recording tapes as well, which can take up a lot of space and aren’t very safe for keeping in areas with high temperatures.  Digital security cameras store the information within their memory, which will help you keep up with the pictures and video feed.

Security cameras have been around for many years, gaining their reputation and popularity with businesses.  As years went by and they became more affordable people began to use them in their homes.  A security camera at home can be a great way to protect yourself from burglars and break-ins, keep an eye on the babysitter, or just monitor things while you are away.  Security cameras are very affordable and they can easily give the peace of mind in knowing that your home is protected no matter where you go.
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Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Home Security Padlock

We all remember the days of the padlock. When they were first available, they presented a great way to keep your belongings safe. They were common with lockers at school, with just about every locker having one. Padlocks were easy to open as well; all you needed was the combination. Once you had the combination, all it took was three clockwise turns, two counterclockwise, and once last clockwise turn to hit the final number and open the padlock.

Although the combination padlock was popular for it’s time, people soon began to realize what happened when they forgot the combination. Combination padlocks were great for those who had a sharp memory although sooner or later forgetting the combination was bound to happen. Once the combination had been lost, a pair of bolt cutters would be required in order to cut the lock.
Shortly after the combination padlock came the padlocks of today – lock and key.  Padlocks that required a key were much easier to use, requiring no combination. All you had to do was keep the key with you at all times and you had no worries about the padlock. If you ended up losing the key however, you would need to cut the lock.  To prevent losing the key, most people chose to put the padlock key on their key ring or wear it on a necklace around their neck.

The most popular type of padlock today is Master Lock. The Master Lock brand has been around for generations, proving to be the hardest type of lock to break. It’s been well proven and well documented that guns can’t harm Master Locks. Even if you shoot the lock dead on with a shotgun or handgun, the lock won’t give. Master Locks are made of solid high grade steel and won’t give way to a few shots from a gun.  Although they may sustain damage from the blast, they will still be there once the shooting has stopped – protecting what you have them locked to.

Although Master Locks are the most popular and most common type of padlock, there are other types available as well. Multi-Lock, Medeco, and KW are all excellent examples of quality padlocks. These locks feature unique and innovative designs that are near impossible for thieves to get rid of.  You can use them around the house to keep doors locked, safes locked, cabinets locked, and virtually anything else that contains your possessions.

The best thing about padlocks is the fact that they are very affordable. You can find them in virtually any department or hardware store. You can shop online as well, and compare what each company lock will offer you. The next time you need to lock up something and you need a small lock – you can count on one of the many padlocks to give you the protection and safety you need.
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Monday, July 25, 2011

What is a Home Security?

Some of us have a sense of worry about leaving home at work or on vacation.  If the neighborhood is considered to be bad in terms of crime, it may be troublesome going to sleep.  A lot of people live in fear or leaving their kids or an old person at home due to the fact that someone could easily break in to their home and harm them.  Due to this fear, some may even hide weapons in the house.

Each and every one of these fears that people develop stems from incidents that have happened in the past to others.  These days, people are getting more cautious about protecting their loved ones and their homes.  Most use burglar alarms, keep their doors locked at all times, never open their doors to strangers, and keep their windows locked.  When going out of town, they will inform neighbors that they will be away – and then will invest in a home security system.

Burglars and intruders alike will often keep a watchful eye on any opportunities that present themselves to gain entrance to a home.  Thieves do their research well and look for any entry that they can use to enter the home such as doors, windows, skylights, and chimneys.  They will also pay attention to any surveillance systems as well, and do their homework on how to disable or avoid them.  If a house is well equipped with alarms, cameras, and motion detectors, a burglar may actually think twice before he attempts to ransack a home.

What many fail to realize is the fact that burglars are smart people.  They spend a lot of time planning to rob a home, carefully studying and watching.  Although locking your doors and windows will help to an extent, it normally won’t keep a determined burglar out of your home.  If a burglar sets his mind to something and has a plan in mind, simply locking your windows and doors isn’t enough.

If you have sturdy and strong doors and windows on your home, it will take the burglar extra time to break in.  In the process, he can easily get caught due to the high level of noise he will make trying to get into the home.  If you have a lot of valuables in your home, you can always invest in a strong fireproof safe to store them in.  To protect the exterior of your home you should have always have good lighting in your yard.

Alarms are popular to use as well, as most will go off the second a burglar tries to open a window or a door.  They are very popular these days, providing a high level of security for your home.  Alarms and surveillance systems include a variety of detectors, control panels, alarms, and cameras.  Although they may cost you a bit of money – the peace of mind and safety of your family is more than worth the investment.

No matter what area you may live in, you can always secure your home. To better secure your home and know what equipment you need, you should always try and understand the frame of mind that burglars use. This way, you’ll know what you need to protect your home.  Home security is a common issue these days and for good reason.  With crime steadily on the rise – protecting your home, your family, and your belongings becomes more and more important.
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