Showing posts with label Safety. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Safety. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Adequate Lighting to Prevent Burglary

As many already know, adequate lighting is a critical part of keeping your home safe. Even though lighting is very important to home safety, a lot of homeowners don’t look at their lighting as being an integral aspect of safety. No matter where you may live, you should always make sure that there is plenty of lighting in place and that the lights are out of reach for those without a ladder.
The lighting that is around the doors of your home is very important, as most burglars like to focus on doors before anything else. When it comes to the doors of your home, any lighting at all is better than no lighting.  If a burglar sees lights around your home, chances are he’ll move on. If the lights are off however, the burglar will more than likely proceed as planned.

If you own a garage, you should always use an automatic garage opener. Once they have been activated, most will automatically turn on the lights. Your carport is also important to safety.  If you are going to be away from home, you should always make sure that the leave the light on your carport on.  You can also use motion detected lights as well. When these lights detect any type of movement, they will automatically turn on – which could easily startle a burglar.

For the exterior of your home, motion detected lights are the way to go. If you have a large backyard, you should always make sure that you use motion detected lights. To be on the safe side, you can always connect an alarm to the lights. This way if someone was to move through your yard, the lights would sound the alarm. Burglars don’t like alarms and they will normally flee the instant they hear an alarm sound.

If you are planning to use motion sensors in your front yard, you should make sure that you have planned the locations carefully. People walking by the sensor or kids playing nearby can easily trigger it. When you set the motion sensors up you should always make sure that you hook lights up to them as well. This way, those in your family will know where the motion detectors are and they can easily avoid them.

Having the right amount of lighting around your home will go a long way in keeping your family safe.  Burglars don’t like to be around light, which is why it is so very important. If you don’t have a lot of lights around your home, you should do something about it.  It doesn’t have to be anything fancy – all you need is enough lighting to make sure that a burglar thinks twice about breaking into your home.
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Thursday, September 29, 2011

The Best Ways To Prevent Burglary

These days, home burglary is one the rise.  Over 70% of all crime these days relates to property crimes, normally involving the home. Although police and local authorities are doing everything they can to put a stop to crime, burglary is something that cannot be stopped. Even though there are ways to protect yourself, burglars will always be lurking out there - waiting for their next victim.

Even though there are ways to prevent unwanted entry to your home, a determined burglar will always find a way to get in. Breaking and entering is his job, and most burglars are extremely good at it.  Statistics show that burglaries occur every 15 seconds.  What that means, is that every 15 seconds there is someone out there getting robbed. 

Over the years, home burglaries have received a lot of attention, some of which have even been on the news. Although some burglars eventually get caught and arrested, most seem to disappear without a trace.  To protect yourself and your home, there are tactics such as security alarms, burglar alarms, and even security cameras that you can use.

Property marking is a great way to protect yourself as well. Property marking involves marking everything that you own with a signature or mark that you can easily identify once the property has been recovered.  You can use micro dots, UV pens, or even laser pens. The idea here is to mark your property so it won’t be easy to sell on the black market. Even though it may sound weird, most burglars do study their targets quite a bit before they decide to rob them.

One of the most effective forms of home security is the home security system.  If a burglar tries to rob your home and notices that you have a security system set up, he will normally start to get second thoughts and eventually change his plans. On the other hand, if the burglar decides to go ahead and rob a home with a surveillance system anyway, the system will normally catch him on video, making it easy for the police to identify who he is. Home surveillance and security cameras are great to have, and can either be wireless or wired, dummy or real, outdoor or indoor, or even a combination of several.

Alarms are also a great way to prevent burglary. The police will tell you that home burglar alarms prevent over 50% of attempted burglaries in the home. There are several types of burglar alarms, from those that aren’t expensive to those that are monitored around the clock. Alarms will let burglars know that robbing your home isn’t going to be easy, and that they should really give it a second thought.  Tried and true over the years, alarms have be proven to be very effective and above all else - they work.

No matter what direction you decide to take, there are indeed ways that you can protect your home from burglary. In the United States, home security systems have really become a big business. Millions of home owners throughout the U.S. are investing in security and surveillance systems, knowing that the day will come when they will come in very handy.  Even though you may never be robbed, there is always a chance.  Burglaries can happen at any time, which is why you should always be protected. If you think ahead and invest in a security system, you’ll be prepared for anything that happens. You have to think in terms of self defense - and ensure that your home is protected for anyone who decides to make you a target.
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